What is Activity?
Every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
You don't have to be an athlete to enjoy the benefits of movement. Any micro-activity counts: hanging up the washing, walking to the shop, gardening, washing the dishes by hand.
It can be hard to know where to start, so here's a document we've made to give you a helping hand.
Most Importantly...Just Keep Moving!!
What is Recommended?
We recommend 20 minutes of exercise per day. This doesn't need to be hard to be beneficial. In fact for moderate exercise you should still be able to be talk, but might be a bit short of breath or hot.
Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a month, and under estimate what they can achieve in a year.
The World's Best Playground
We live in one of Scotland's best playgrounds, with our hills, rivers, lochs, cliffs, golf courses, courts, pools, playing fields. Whether it's walking, SUPing or going to the gym find what you enjoy.
Not sure where to Start?
Making change is almost always easier said than done. And even harder is trying to make change stick. Here's some simple advise to habit forming from our recent blog post:
Visit this page for walking route ideas:
Visit this page for local cycling routes:
Why Not Join Others?
We've compiled all the exercise groups, sports clubs and community groups in the local area: find them here:
Or why not try these apps, including 'couch to 5km' encouraging you to build up towards a 5km run and 'Active 10' promoting daily 10 minute walks